CTX Learning Festival is on for 2025! Start planning how you’ll learn across Central Texas through the experiences below!
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Green Thumbs Up with the Williamson County Master Gardener Association
The Williamson County Texas Master Gardener Association, a volunteer organization of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, presents a free monthly gardening program, Green Thumbs Up, at the Round Rock Public Library.
Facilitated by Williamson County Texas Master Gardener Association
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Activa tu cerebro: desarrollando una mentalidad de crecimiento
Este taller tiene como objetivo enseñar a los participantes a comprender y aplicar el concepto de mentalidad de crecimiento para superar el miedo al fracaso y fomentar el aprendizaje continuo. Inicia con una bienvenida y dinámica de autoevaluación para identificar mentalidades actuales. A continuación, se exploran las diferencias entre mentalidad de crecimiento y fija, se identifican pensamientos limitantes y se promueven herramientas prácticas como el poder del “aún” y la reformulación de debilidades. Finaliza con la creación de un plan de acción personal y una inspiradora clausura, promoviendo cambios positivos y sostenibles en la perspectiva de los participantes.
Facilitated by Ana María Rojas Melo
Registration required: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6heHSB2RDQ66z1ZPBBs0y8C-4EwVQiwz7HMM_QMO0K-bcyg/viewform
Limit 30 people
Wheelchair accessible
Meals on Wheels Central Texas – Much more than just meals
Meals on Wheels Central Texas does more than provide home delivered meals. They also offer home repair and in home care programs and are involved in innovative pilot programs - all designed to provide care that empowers our neighbors by promoting dignity and independence.
Presented by Richard Bondi
Registration required: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/meals-on-wheels-central-texas-much-more-than-meals-tickets-1234219637159?aff=oddtdtcreator
Limit 24 people
Wheelchair accessible
Get to Know Your Austin Commissions with City of Austin Joint Inclusion Committee
The City of Austin has over 65 active Boards & Commissions. Learn about them, find out how to apply and any special requirements. Most of them don't require special expertise, merely lived experience in a specific area.
Presented by Richard Bondi
Registration required: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/get-to-know-your-austin-commissions-tickets-1234142586699?aff=oddtdtcreator
Limit 24 people
Wheelchair accessible
Digital Literacy "Tertulias"
Digital Literacy "Tertulias" - Have questions on Microsoft Office applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Google Workspace applications like Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, or about digital literacy and computers in general? Join us for a Q&A session with Jose Vega, a retired software development industry veteran dedicated to sharing his experiences to help address the digital literacy divide, especially in the adult Spanish-speaking community in Central Texas. Sessions will be bilingual (Spanish and English). "Tertulia" = an informal meeting of people to talk about current affairs, arts, etc.
Facilitated by Jose Vega
No registration needed
Limit 20 people
Wheelchair accessible
Eastern Bluebirds
The Round Rock Public Library and the Good Water Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalist Program present Eastern Bluebirds from 2 to 3 p.m., Saturday, March 8, Round Rock Public Library, Meeting Room A+B.
Between the 1930s and 1970s, the Eastern Bluebird started to disappear from the fields and trees of Texas. They faced fierce competition for nesting sites from other birds, especially the invasive House Sparrow. Half a century later, these beautiful birds have rebounded across the state–thanks to the work of people like you! Join Christie Gardner of the Good Water Master Naturalists to learn more about local efforts to preserve and protect the Eastern Bluebird.
Presented by Christie Gardner, Texas Master Naturalist
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Round Rock Public Library Sewing Group
Interested in sewing? Have some sewing projects piling up? Join the Round Rock Public Library’s Sewing Group, from 2 to 5 p.m., each Sunday. Bring your sewing machine, supplies and material. The group meets in Meeting Room C, First Floor.
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible