CTX Learning Festival is on for 2025! Start planning how you’ll learn across Central Texas with through the experiences below!
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Or see all below!
Trafficking Awareness 101: Empowering Our Community to Recognize and Respond
In this session, attendees aged 12 and up will gain a foundational understanding of human trafficking, including how to recognize the signs and respond safely and effectively. The presentation will explore the realities of trafficking, debunk common myths, and highlight the impact of community awareness in preventing exploitation. Participants will leave with practical knowledge, tools to identify red flags, and actionable steps they can take to help protect vulnerable individuals and contribute to a safer, more informed community.
Register to get link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAocuqoqT4vH90Cd4A2uPzK9p93UtSHBLkR
THRIVE Marketing Strategy Workshop
Craft a roadmap to success for your business. This immersive session will empower you to identify your target audience, refine your messaging, and leverage cutting-edge techniques to maximize your marketing impact. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this workshop will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to propel your business to new heights. Don’t miss out – reserve your spot now and pave the way for marketing excellence!
Facilitator: Claudette Blythe
Registration required: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1083978672389?aff=oddtdtcreator
Limit 100 people
THRIVE Marketing Strategy Workshop
Craft a roadmap to success for your business. This immersive session will empower you to identify your target audience, refine your messaging, and leverage cutting-edge techniques to maximize your marketing impact. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this workshop will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to propel your business to new heights. Don’t miss out – reserve your spot now and pave the way for marketing excellence!
Facilitator: Claudette Blythe
Registration required: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1083978672389?aff=oddtdtcreator
Limit 100 people
THRIVE Marketing Strategy Workshop
Craft a roadmap to success for your business. This immersive session will empower you to identify your target audience, refine your messaging, and leverage cutting-edge techniques to maximize your marketing impact. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this workshop will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to propel your business to new heights. Don’t miss out – reserve your spot now and pave the way for marketing excellence!
Facilitator: Claudette Blythe
Registration required: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1083978672389?aff=oddtdtcreator
Limit 100 people
Club de Lectura en Español (On-Line)
Join us on Zoom to discuss Cien Cuyes by Gustavo Rodriguez (Received the 2023 Alfaguara Award).
Acompáñenos a través de Zoom a una plática sobre la novela Cien Cuyes, escrita por Gustavo Rodriguez (Premio Alfaguara 2023). MORE INFORMATION: http://library.austintexas.gov/event/book-clubs/club-de-lectura-en-espanol-7743386
Facilitator: Library Staff
Attendee Limit: NO LIMIT / Registration REQUIRED / https://forms.office.com/g/5yEne3smsQ
Career Up Info Session on FREE College (On-Line)
Join Capital IDEA for an online "Career Up" info session. The organization will introduce you to its Career Expressway program. As a nonprofit with a mission to get Central Texas neighbors into great careers, Capital IDEA doesn’t just help with college and childcare. It also helps you find your first job in your new career. It’s with you from start to — HIRED!
Facilitator: Capital IDEA Outreach team
Attendee Limit: 60 Attendees / Registration REQUIRED / https://www.capitalidea.org/careerups/
Orientation to the Community Block Leader Program
This virtual orientation is offered the first Thursday of each month at 2pm for those who want to learn more about the Austin Voices Community Block Leader program and the resources and tools that are available to help leaders share information with friends and families in the community. Join Virtually: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88174438167
Facilitator: Julie Weeks / Austin Voices for Education and Youth
Attendee Limit: NO LIMIT / Registration NOT REQUIRED
Community Block Leader Meeting
This is a weekly meeting of Austin ISD parents and community members with children who gather virtually every Thursday at 1pm by Zoom to learn about community resources and be challenged to share them with family and friends in the community. JOIN VIRTUALLY: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88174438167
Facilitator: Naomi Caballero / Austin Voices for Education and Youth
Attendee Limit: NO LIMIT / Registration NOT REQUIRED
Beneficios de la Risa en el Aprendizaje (On-Line)
Taller donde el objetivo fundamental es explorar y comprender cómo la risa puede mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje y promover un ambiente educativo más positivo y productivo.
Facilitator: Alemyr Navas
Attendee Limit: 30 Attendees / Registration REQUIRED / https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIldOiprz4rGNere1ZuVHyauO5WrbAbgBWc#/registration
Career Up Info Session on FREE College (On-Line)
Join Capital IDEA for an online "Career Up" info session. The organization will introduce you to its Career Expressway program. As a nonprofit with a mission to get Central Texas neighbors into great careers, Capital IDEA doesn’t just help with college and childcare. It also helps you find your first job in your new career. It’s with you from start to — HIRED!
Facilitator: Capital IDEA Outreach team
Attendee Limit: 60 Attendees / Registration REQUIRED / https://www.capitalidea.org/careerups/
Virtual Alien Book Club (On-Line)
This unusual book club requires an unusual format - read whatever you want! Each participant will have a chance to talk about what they've been reading on the month's topic and we'll unravel enigmatic tales of extraterrestrial encounters, uncharted phenomena, and the cosmic mysteries that have perplexed humanity for centuries. Get ready for lively discussions and an out-of-this-world reading experience that will leave you questioning the boundaries of reality. Great for fans of Ancient Aliens and The X-Files!
MORE INFORMATION: http://library.austintexas.gov/event/book-clubs/virtual-alien-book-club-7743716
Facilitator: Library Staff
Attendee Limit: 25 Attendees / Registration REQUIRED / https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-alien-book-club-tickets-800291020987
Practiquemos Español (On-Line)
Practiquemos Español is not a Spanish class, but rather a place to fine-tune your Spanish in a relaxed environment under the guidance of a Spanish-speaking facilitator. Participants will need to know a little Spanish to participate. MORE INFORMATION: https://library.austintexas.gov/event/practiquemos-espanol/practiquemos-espanol-7744731
Facilitator: Library Staff
Attendee Limit: NO LIMIT / Registration REQUIRED / http://tinyurl.com/APLPractiquemos
Career Up Info Session on FREE College (On-Line)
Join Capital IDEA for an online "Career Up" info session. The organization will introduce you to its Career Expressway program. As a nonprofit with a mission to get Central Texas neighbors into great careers, Capital IDEA doesn’t just help with college and childcare. It also helps you find your first job in your new career. It’s with you from start to — HIRED!
Facilitator: Capital IDEA Outreach team
Attendee Limit: 60 Attendees / Registration REQUIRED / https://www.capitalidea.org/careerups/
Conectando Lazos: Comunicación Familiar (On-Line)
Conectando Lazos: Comunicación Familiar, es un espacio diseñado para fortalecer los lazos afectivos y mejorar la comunicación entre los miembros de la familia. Qué haremos, aprender técnicas y herramientas prácticas para fomentar un diálogo abierto y respetuoso dentro del núcleo familiar. Aprenderemos a escuchar activamente, a expresar nuestras emociones de manera asertiva y a resolver conflictos de manera constructiva. Mediante actividades interactivas y dinámicas, los participantes adquirirán habilidades para crear un ambiente familiar más armonioso y comprensivo. Juntos, descubriremos la importancia de la comunicación efectiva y afectiva en el fortalecimiento de los vínculos familiares.
Facilitator: Ana Maria Life Changer P.A
Attendee Limit: 100 Attendees / Registration REQUIRED / https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMud-2gqT0iE9PBwNo4U8M32uk8SnuNzKTP
Talk Time on Wednesdays at 11am (On-Line)
Improve your English conversation. ¡Mejore su conversación en inglés!
Come to Talk Time to practice your English conversation skills with other English language learners and English-speaking volunteers in an informal and safe space. No registration is necessary.
Participe en Talk Time: Hablemos Inglés, un programa gratis de La Biblioteca Pública de Austin, donde usted puede venir a conversar en inglés y así practicar y sentirse más seguro. No es necesario registrarse. Este programa se ofrece a cualquier adulto que hable algo de inglés y que quiera practicarlo con otros en un lugar informal y sin presiones.
MORE INFORMATION: http://library.austintexas.gov/event/talk-time/talk-time-wednesdays-11am-7742396
Facilitator: Library Staff
Attendee Limit: NO LIMIT / Registration NOT REQUIRED
Virtual Read Watch Talk (On-Line)
Literature purists will stand by the book. Film buffs will make a case for the movie. Either way, there is something to discuss. MORE INFORMATION: http://library.austintexas.gov/event/book-clubs/virtual-read-watch-talk-7740557
Facilitator: Library Staff
Attendee Limit: 25 Attendees / Registration REQUIRED / https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virt-read-watch-talk-book-movie-club-we-have-always-lived-in-the-castle-tickets-764287092267
Cuentos en pijama (On-Line)
Compartimos cuentos, canciones, y rimas en español para enriquecer las habilidades de alfabetización temprana que ayudaran a sus hijos a tener éxito en la escuela. Estos programas están diseñados para niños de 0 a 5 anos. We share stories, songs, and rhymes in Spanish to enrich early literacy skills that will help your children succeed in school. These programs are designed for children ages 0 to 5. MORE INFORMATION: http://library.austintexas.gov/event/spanish-storytime/cuentos-en-pijama-virtual-7743788
Facilitator: Library Staff
Attendee Limit: NO LIMIT / Registration REQUIRED / https://bit.ly/APLcuentos
Talk Time on Tuesdays at Noon (On-Line)
Improve your English conversation. ¡Mejore su conversación en inglés!
Come to Talk Time to practice your English conversation skills with other English language learners and English-speaking volunteers in an informal and safe space. No registration is necessary.
Participe en Talk Time: Hablemos Inglés, un programa gratis de La Biblioteca Pública de Austin, donde usted puede venir a conversar en inglés y así practicar y sentirse más seguro. No es necesario registrarse. Este programa se ofrece a cualquier adulto que hable algo de inglés y que quiera practicarlo con otros en un lugar informal y sin presiones.
MORE INFORMATION: https://library.austintexas.gov/event/talk-time/talk-time-tuesdays-noon-7744704
Facilitator: Library Staff
Attendee Limit: NO LIMIT / Registration NOT REQUIRED
Equity is More than Test Scores: Testing and Accountability Webinar
Join Austin Voices for Education and Youth for a webinar featuring state and national leaders discussing the future of high-stakes testing and accountability in Texas Public Schools, viewed through an equity lens. Theme: Equity is More than Test Scores
Facilitator: Allen Weeks
Attendee Limit: 500 Attendees / Registration REQUIRED / https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSea998-HYJPfXo7cknvbOhwHnDepb_LoQ1HhNnikyqpzhJ0xA/viewform
Practiquemos Español (On-Line)
Join us to practice speaking, writing and reading in Spanish! Practiquemos Español is not a Spanish class, but rather a place to fine-tune your Spanish in a relaxed environment under the guidance of a Spanish-speaking facilitator. Participants will need to know a little Spanish to participate. MORE INFORMATION: http://library.austintexas.gov/event/practiquemos-espanol/practiquemos-espanol-7744317
Facilitator: Library Staff
Attendee Limit: 20 Attendees / Registration REQUIRED / https://www.eventbrite.com/e/practiquemos-espanol-tickets-808369524007
Doing Business with Austin (Austin Sister Cities International)
The Austin focused protocol training eliminates conventional preconceived ideas and emphasizes the nuances of doing business in Texas. This Zoom training session welcomes participants from various backgrounds interested in learning to do business in Texas.
JOIN SESSION: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87000103629?pwd=UlFXRis1K012QzRxdXNzcERHM0FwZz09
Facilitator: Presented in partnership with Austin Community College by Kevin A. Clark, Ph.D., Ph.D. (AM Thesis)
Attendee Limit: NO LIMIT / Registration NOT REQUIRED
A Journey to the Birthplace of Irish Coffee: Unveiling the Story and Craft (On-Line)
Discover the enchanting tale behind the birth of the world's iconic drink in Foynes, Co. Limerick, 1943. Join our Tour Guide, Helen Enright, as she unveils the captivating history and demonstrates the art of crafting the perfect Irish Coffee. Don't miss the chance to delve into this delightful blend of Irish folklore and flavorful tradition. Sláinte!
WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbD4AswU434
Facilitator: Austin Limerick Friendship City
Attendee Limit: No LIMIT / Registration NOT REQUIRED