CTX Learning Festival is on for 2025! Start planning how you’ll learn across Central Texas through the experiences below!
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All Ages Storytime
Storytime for children aged 5 and under and their parents, featuring stories, songs, fingerplays, rhymes, and crafts or other extension activities. Program length can vary.
Read by Library Staff
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Leemos Juntos
All ages storytime which uses both English and Spanish to present books, rhymes and songs. Some material is presented in English while other material is presented in Spanish exposing children to both languages in an inviting environment. Program length varies.
Esta hora del cuento es para niños y niñas desde bebitos hasta de edad escolar y para sus padres. Se presentarán libros, rimas, y canciones en inglés y en español empapando a los niños en los dos idiomas. La duración del programa varía.
Read by Library Staff
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Spanish-English Storytime
All ages storytime which uses both English and Spanish to present books, rhymes and songs. It differs from a traditional bilingual storytime in that some material is presented in English while other material is presented in Spanish, allowing for a natural transition between stories and activities and exposing children to both languages in an inviting environment. Program length can vary.
Esta hora del cuento es para niños y niñas desde bebitos hasta de edad escolar y para sus padres. Se presentarán libros, rimas, y canciones en inglés y en español. Difiere de un programa tradicionalmente bilingüe en que el material no va a ser traducido de un idioma al otro, sino que presentaremos algunas cosas en inglés y otras en español empapando a los niños en los dos idiomas. De esta manera ellos se sentirán cómodos usando los dos idiomas. Recomendado para niños y niñas menores de 5 años.
On January 29, February 26, March 26, and April 30 we will welcome an American Sign Language interpreting student from Austin Community College who will interpret the storytime!
En 29 de enero, 26 de febrero, 26 de marzo, y 30 de abril daremos la bienvenida a un estudiante de interpretación del lenguaje de señas americano (ASL) de Universidad de Comunidad de Austin (ACC).
Read by Library Staff
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
South Austin Senior Activity Center Book Club
Join us for a monthly book club at the South Austin Senior Activity Center. Books are provided - inquire at the front desk. Recommended for ages 50 and up.
Hosted by Library Staff
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Lego Lab
With Legos, you can build anything you can imagine and tell any story you can dream up. Come to Lego Lab to hear, see, make, and create different stories, all while building with Legos provided by the Library! Program length can vary, please call branch for details.
Con Legos, puedes construir cualquier cosa que puedas idear y contar cualquier historia que puedas imaginar. ¡Ven al Laboratorio Lego para escuchar, ver, hacer y crear diferentes historias, todo mientras construyes con Legos proporcionados por la Biblioteca!
Hosted by Library Staff
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
VICTORY Tutoring
Free one-on-one and small group tutoring. Homework, test prep, make-up work, and all core subjects offered. Contact: Angel Toscano angel.toscano@austinisd.org. Tutoría gratuita individual y en grupos pequeños.
Tarea, preparación para exámenes, trabajo de
recuperación, y todas las materias principales
ofrecidas. Contacto: Ángel Toscano
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Yoga with Jennifer
Join us to practice mindful movement techniques that promote strength and ease in your body. Classes will explore ways to support and maintain healthy posture, range of motion, flexibility, balance, and relaxation. This class welcomes all levels of experience and is accessible to anyone who is able to comfortably get down on the floor.
Mats are available, but please feel free to bring your own as well as any props you enjoy.
Instructed by Jennifer
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Tenants' Know Your Rights Workshop with BASTA
BASTA's Know Your Rights Workshop is an interactive workshop that educates renters on their rights in Texas. We will share information on topics like the eviction process, tenants' right to repairs, and tenants' right to organize. We will host two sessions, one in English and the other in Spanish. Follow the registration link to learn more!
El taller de BASTA Conozca sus Derechos es un taller interactivo que educa a los inquilinos sobre sus derechos en Texas. Tendremos dos sesiones, una disponible en inglés y la otra en español. ¡Siga el enlace de registro para obtener más información!
Facilitated by Jami Rivera, Valeria Arguelles, and Matteo Ontiveroz-Alfaro
Registration required: https://forms.gle/AyzxqDg9pjizENWS8
Limit 35 people
Wheelchair accessible
Reading the Rainbow Book Club: South
We invite you to participate in Austin Public Library's LGBTQIA+ book club, Reading the Rainbow! This month, we are reading Siren Queen by Nghi Vo.
Please register on Eventbrite to attend. Using your registration info, your book club moderator will email you an invitation to the virtual side of the event. If you are attending in person, we meet at the Twin Oaks branch.
Registration closes at 12pm on March 5th.
Need a refresher on joining a Microsoft Teams meeting? Check out these instructions. Other questions? Ask a Librarian.
Hosted by Library Staff
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/in-person-virtual-reading-the-rainbow-book-club-south-tickets-1077572391029?aff=oddtdtcreator
No limit
Wheelchair accessible
All Ages Storytime
Storytime for children aged 5 and under and their parents, featuring stories, songs, fingerplays, rhymes, and crafts or other extension activities. Program length can vary.
Read by Library Staff
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Yoga with Hollie
Join us for some mindful movement on the 1st and 2nd Thursday of each month.
This class will focus on strengthening and stretching the body, cultivating a calm and centered mind and breathing. We will make use of blocks, straps, the wall, and chairs to support healthy alignment and relaxation. Students with all levels of experience are welcome!
Please bring a yoga mat if you have one and wear comfortable clothes. The Library will have a few mats, blocks, and straps to share.
Instructed by Hollie
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Digital Literacy "Tertulias"
Digital Literacy "Tertulias" - Have questions on Microsoft Office applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Google Workspace applications like Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, or about digital literacy and computers in general? Join us for a Q&A session with Jose Vega, a retired software development industry veteran dedicated to sharing his experiences to help address the digital literacy divide, especially in the adult Spanish-speaking community in Central Texas. Sessions will be bilingual (Spanish and English). "Tertulia" = an informal meeting of people to talk about current affairs, arts, etc.
Facilitator: Jose Vega
No registration needed
Limit 20 people
Wheelchair accessible
Practiquemos Español
Join us to practice speaking, writing and reading in Spanish! Practiquemos Español is not a Spanish class, but rather a place to fine-tune your Spanish in a relaxed environment under the guidance of a Spanish-speaking facilitator. Participants will need to know a little Spanish to participate.
Hosted by Library Staff and Volunteers
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Tenants' Know Your Rights Workshop with BASTA
BASTA's Know Your Rights Workshop is an interactive workshop that educates renters on their rights in Texas. We will share information on topics like the eviction process, tenants' right to repairs, and tenants' right to organize. We will host two sessions, one in English and the other in Spanish. Follow the registration link to learn more!
El taller de BASTA Conozca sus Derechos es un taller interactivo que educa a los inquilinos sobre sus derechos en Texas. Tendremos dos sesiones, una disponible en inglés y la otra en español. ¡Siga el enlace de registro para obtener más información!
Facilitated by Jami Rivera, Valeria Arguelles, and Matteo Ontiveroz-Alfaro
Registration required: https://forms.gle/AyzxqDg9pjizENWS8
Limit 35 people
Wheelchair accessible
Historical Fiction Book Club
Join us each month as we travel the world and explore past places, people and cultures. Our selection this month is Pelican Girls by Julia Malye.
Hosted by Library Staff
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
South Austin Basket Weavers
The South Austin Basket Weavers meet each Friday to explore various techniques in basket weaving. Members can connect newcomers to more information and resources.
Facilitators to be announced
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Preschool Imagination Station: On the Farm
Designed for young learners, Imagination Station encourages learning through play. Explore the arts, practice your motor skills, and start your STEM exploration.
Recommended for ages 2-5.
Hosted by Library Staff
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Guitar Meet-Up Group
The Guitar Meet-Up Group is not a class but a chance for people learning guitar to practice together and help each other. Participants will need to know a little Guitar to participate.
Facilitator to be announced
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Pet First Aid (Dogs and Cats)
Do you know how to respond if your dog or cat experiences an emergency at home? We will discuss common emergency scenarios and first aid that can be given by the pet owner prior to arrival at a veterinary emergency hospital.
Facilitated by Elizabeth Warren, LVT
No registration required
Limit 24 people
Wheelchair accessible
Stronger Texas Zumba and Nutrition Education Class
Join us at the South Austin Recreation Center, 1100 Cumberland Rd, Austin, TX 78704 for ZUMBA®, a fusion of Latin and International music / dance themes that create a dynamic and exciting workout. The routines feature aerobic/fitness interval training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body. All fitness levels are welcome!
Facilitated by Maty Chatelain
Registration required: https://strongertexas.org/registration-and-liability-waiver/
Limit 35 people
Wheelchair accessible
All Ages Storytime
Storytime for children aged 5 and under and their parents, featuring stories, songs, fingerplays, rhymes, and crafts or other extension activities. Program length can vary.
Read by Library Staff
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Get Your Garden Space Ready for Spring: Container Gardening/Plant Swap
Get your garden space spring ready! Travis County Master Gardeners will present "6D's of Container Gardening." Afterwards we will have our biannual plant swap - bring plants and cuttings to share!
Hosted by Travis County Masters Gardeners
No registration needed
Wheelchair accessible
Emergency Preparedness Training
This event is not just about reacting to emergencies, but also about being proactive and taking steps to prevent them from happening in the first place. This training is designed utilizing guidance and expertise from the Texas Department of State Health Services. The training focuses on building awareness, encouraging proactive preparations, and providing a framework for what preparations are most important.
Co-led by Mary Renfro, Lauryann Aldon, and Kelly Guzman
No registration needed
Limit 39 people
Wheelchair accessible
What should I feed my pet?
Deciding which commercial pet food to buy for your dog or cat, or getting started with a home-prepared diet, can be overwhelming. We will cover the basics of nutrient requirements, pet food labels, and feeding methods to help guide your process.
Facilitated by Elizabeth Warren, LVT
No registration required
Limit 24 people
Wheelchair accessible